At GAEA, we pride ourselves on being a dedicated coffee company with a deep-rooted specialization in sourcing the finest green coffee beans from Vietnam. Our extensive network encompasses farmers, suppliers, and processing companies spanning the entire country. Our supplier and quality control management system is seamlessly integrated, ensuring a streamlined process. We constantly strive to expand our horizons by identifying and engaging with smaller communities and directly collaborating with local farmers, in addition to our collaboration with existing suppliers. Embracing fair trade and organic principles, we are committed to enhancing our sourcing practices.


In addition to our core production capabilities, we offer comprehensive roasting services tailored to specific products, including ground coffee and instant options.


Our proficient sourcing team excels not only in fulfilling our regular internal requirements but also in catering to specific external demands. This supplementary service complements our core offerings. You have the option to explore our existing best-selling and primary export product catalog. If you have specific requests such as premium-grade or Vietnamese Arabica beans, our team is readily available to assist.


While our central focus remains on agricultural products, notably green coffee beans, cacao, rice, and an array of spices, fruits, and marine foods, our expertise extends far beyond. Drawing upon our extensive local insights and experience within Vietnam, we are well-equipped to diversify our sourcing capabilities across various sectors. Our global reach spans continents, underscoring our unwavering commitment to facilitating international trade.

For tailor-made sourcing solutions, we invite you to connect with our specialized sourcing department.

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Tag Archives: Farming

GAEA’s Green Bean Sampler Packs Arabica


At GAEA, our mission is to provide you with fresh, green coffee beans sourced from across Vietnam while also offering you the opportunity to discover the wide variety of coffees available. Our sample packs offer a diverse selection of Vietnamese green coffee beans, including Robusta, Arabica, and Catimor varieties, allowing you to experience the unique flavors of different regions conveniently. We’ve done the research for your convenience, bringing together green coffee beans from distinct growing regions in Vietnam, making it easier than ever to explore the world of coffee. With one of the largest selections of green coffee beans from Vietnam, our sample packs cater to both coffee enthusiasts and professionals alike.



Experiment with a wide range of coffee varietals with our flexible sample packs. Whether you’re interested in exploring Indonesian coffees or venturing into the global coffee scene with our Around the World sample pack, we have something for everyone. Our sample packs make it easy to try new coffees and expand your palate. Please note that the coffees included may vary based on availability.


Bean: Arabica
Size: 16, 18
Grade: 2
Ripe Cherry: 90%
Defect value: 0.6%
Processing: Natural
Country: Vietnam
Certification: Yes
Fair Trade Certified: No
Rainforest Alliance Certified: No
Decaffeinated: No


Our sampler pack features a curated selection of unroasted samples, providing you with an array of taste profiles to explore. Whether you’re a seasoned coffee connoisseur or new to the world of Vietnamese Robusta and Arabica coffees, our sample packs offer an exciting journey of discovery.

We provide different bag sizes ranging from 500g, 1kg, and 6kg options. Any other sizes are available upon request and discussed on a case-by-case basis. We are able to combine multiple sizes and types of green coffee beans per order according to any specific requests you may have.


> concierge[at]
> +84 96 2544 004

GAEA, Vietnam Sourcing

Established in 2021, GAEA GLOBAL., LLC, operating under GAEA Vietnam Sourcing, actively participates in the trading and export of green coffee beans. As a Vietnamese coffee trader, manufacturer, and supplier, we provide a diverse assortment of green coffee beans sourced from Vietnam’s beautiful agricultural landscape. Our product range includes roasted whole beans and ground coffees, along with OEM services.

GAEA’s Green Bean Sampler Packs Robusta


At GAEA, our mission is to provide you with fresh, green coffee beans sourced from across Vietnam while also offering you the opportunity to discover the wide variety of coffees available. Our sample packs offer a diverse selection of Vietnamese green coffee beans, including robusta, arabica, and catimor varieties, allowing you to experience the unique flavors of different regions conveniently. We’ve done the research for your convenience, bringing together green coffee beans from distinct growing regions in Vietnam, making it easier than ever to explore the world of coffee. With one of the largest selections of green coffee beans from Vietnam, our sample packs cater to both coffee enthusiasts and professionals alike.



Experiment with a wide range of coffee varietals with our flexible sample packs. Whether you’re interested in exploring Indonesian coffees or venturing into the global coffee scene with our Around the World sample pack, we have something for everyone. Our sample packs make it easy to try new coffees and expand your palate. Please note that the coffees included may vary based on availability.


Bean: Robusta
Size: 14, 16, 18
Grade: 2
Ripe Cherry: 90%
Defect value: 0.6%
Processing: Natural
Country: Vietnam
Certification: Yes
Fair Trade Certified: No
Rainforest Alliance Certified: No
Decaffeinated: No


Our sampler pack features a curated selection of unroasted samples, providing you with an array of taste profiles to explore. Whether you’re a seasoned coffee connoisseur or new to the world of Vietnamese robusta and arabica coffees, our sample packs offer an exciting journey of discovery.

We provide different bag sizes ranging from 500g, 1kg, and 6kg options. Any other sizes are available upon request and discussed on a case-by-case basis. We are able to combine multiple sizes and types of green coffee beans per order according to any specific requests you may have.


> concierge[at]
> +84 96 2544 004

GAEA, Vietnam Sourcing

Established in 2021, GAEA GLOBAL., LLC, operating under GAEA Vietnam Sourcing, actively participates in the trading and export of green coffee beans. As a Vietnamese coffee trader, manufacturer, and supplier, we provide a diverse assortment of green coffee beans sourced from Vietnam’s beautiful agricultural landscape. Our product range includes roasted whole beans and ground coffees, along with OEM services.

Vietnam’s Coffee Landscape: From Provinces to Production


Discover the vibrant tapestry of Vietnam’s coffee industry, where lush landscapes and rich traditions converge to produce some of the world’s finest brews. Explore the provinces that shape Vietnam’s coffee landscape and delve into the fascinating journey of production, from cultivation to cup.


1. The Central Highlands: Heartland of Vietnamese Coffee

Đắk Lắk Province:

Robusta Royalty: Đắk Lắk reigns as the largest coffee-producing province in Vietnam, with robusta beans dominating its fertile soils. Annual production estimates soar into the millions of metric tons, making it a powerhouse in the global coffee market.

Lâm Đồng Province:

Arabica Haven: Nestled in the misty mountains of Đà Lạt, Lâm Đồng Province boasts ideal conditions for Arabica coffee cultivation. While its volumes may be smaller, the province’s beans are prized for their nuanced flavors and high quality.

Gia Lai, Kon Tum, and Đắk Nông Provinces:

Robusta Strongholds: These provinces contribute significantly to Vietnam’s robusta coffee output, collectively adding several hundred thousand metric tons annually. Their rugged landscapes and favorable climates provide the perfect backdrop for robusta cultivation.


2. Northwest Vietnam: Arabica’s Alcove

Son La Province:

Elevated Elegance: Son La’s high altitudes and cooler climate make it an ideal sanctuary for Arabica coffee. While its production volume may be modest compared to the Central Highlands, its beans offer a distinct flavor profile coveted by coffee connoisseurs.



From the sprawling plantations of the Central Highlands to the tranquil slopes of Son La, Vietnam’s coffee provinces each contribute a unique chapter to the nation’s rich coffee narrative. Whether it’s the bold robusta or the refined Arabica, every cup tells a story of dedication, innovation, and the timeless allure of Vietnamese coffee.

GAEA, Vietnam Sourcing & Manufacturing

Established in 2019, GAEA Vietnam Sourcing, a manufacturer and supplier, is your green coffee bean sourcing and export partner in Vietnam. We undoubtedly have the widest available assortment and are best updated on stock, prices, and the latest crops. We also manufacture and roast coffee under private or no label for brands across the hospitality, foodservice, and retail sectors, reflecting our B2B manufacturing. Our product range includes roasted whole beans and ground coffees. Read more information here: LINK.

> concierge[at]
> +84 96 2544 004

From French Colonization to Global Coffee Powerhouse: Vietnam’s Java Journey


Embark on a journey through Vietnam’s rich coffee history, from its colonial roots to its modern-day prominence in the global market. Discover how coffee became ingrained in the fabric of Vietnamese culture and economy, shaping landscapes and livelihoods across the nation.


Colonial Legacy:

In the late 19th century, French colonialists bestowed upon Vietnam the gift of coffee, planting seeds that would blossom into a thriving industry. The lush landscapes of the Central Highlands became the cradle of Vietnamese coffee, with Robusta variety taking center stage for its resilience in the region’s warm, low-altitude climates.


Resilience Amidst Conflict:

Despite facing adversities during periods of conflict such as the First Indochina War and the Vietnam War, Vietnam’s coffee industry endured. The aftermath of war saw the government’s commitment to agricultural development, propelling coffee cultivation forward as a cornerstone of economic recovery.


Emergence as a Global Player:

By the late 20th century and into the 21st century, Vietnam emerged as a titan in the global coffee arena. Fueled by favorable climates, governmental support, and infrastructural investments, the country became renowned for its robust coffee production, making significant contributions to the global coffee market.


Diverse Growing Regions:

Across Vietnam’s diverse landscapes, coffee flourishes in distinct regions, each contributing to the nation’s coffee tapestry. From the expansive plantations of the Central Highlands to the serene slopes of Đà Lạt and Son La, the country’s coffee-growing areas offer a glimpse into the unique flavors and aromas of Vietnamese coffee.


Robusta Dominance and Arabica Ascendance:

Vietnam’s coffee production is predominantly Robusta, with a staggering 95% share of the market. Robusta’s adaptability to lower altitudes and warmer climates has made it the darling of Vietnamese farmers. However, amidst the sea of Robusta, Arabica is slowly but surely carving its niche, accounting for 5% of production. Regions like Đà Lạt and Son La are spearheading Arabica cultivation, leveraging their cooler climates to produce specialty beans prized for their nuanced flavors.



As Vietnam’s coffee industry continues to evolve, the juxtaposition of Robusta dominance and Arabica ascendance paints a portrait of resilience and innovation. From the colonial legacies to the present-day cultivation practices, Vietnamese coffee embodies the spirit of perseverance and promise, promising a future steeped in rich flavors and endless possibilities.

GAEA, Vietnam Sourcing & Manufacturing

Established in 2019, GAEA Vietnam Sourcing, a manufacturer and supplier, is your green coffee bean sourcing and export partner in Vietnam. We undoubtedly have the widest available assortment and are best updated on stock, prices, and the latest crops. We also manufacture and roast coffee under private or no label for brands across the hospitality, foodservice, and retail sectors, reflecting our B2B manufacturing. Our product range includes roasted whole beans and ground coffees. Read more information here: LINK.

> concierge[at]
> +84 96 2544 004

Robusta: Vietnam Sourcing

Exploring Vietnamese Robusta Coffee Varieties

Discover the Bold Flavors of Vietnam’s Robusta Coffee Beans:

Chari (Conilon)
• Flavor Profile: Bold and intense
• Usage: Ideal for espresso blends, contributes to a strong and rich coffee profile

Dak Lak Robusta
• Flavor Profile: Full-bodied with earthy and chocolatey notes
• Origin: Dak Lak province in the Central Highlands, a major producer of Robusta coffee.

Santos (Saigon)
• Flavor Profile: Deep and bitter
• Association: Often linked with Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City)
• Traditional Use: Commonly used in Vietnamese coffee preparations like cà phê sữa đá.

Buon Ma Thuot
• Flavor Profile: Strong and bold
• Origin: Central Highlands, renowned for its Robusta coffee production.

Gia Lai Robusta
• Flavor Profile: Robust flavor profile
• Origin: Gia Lai province, contributing significantly to Vietnam’s coffee production.

These distinct Robusta coffee varieties from different Vietnamese regions cater to diverse coffee preferences, making them suitable for various applications.


Robusta Coffee Bean Sizes

Understanding the Screen Sizes of Vietnamese Robusta Coffee Beans

Robusta coffee beans in Vietnam are categorized by their screen size, providing insight into their dimensions.

Common screen sizes include:

Screen 13: Large beans
Screen 16: Extra Large beans
Screen 18: Peaberry beans (small, round-shaped)

Specific sizing may vary, depending on the grading system employed by coffee producers and exporters.


Preferred Soil Types for Robusta Coffee Plants

Cultivating Robusta Beans in the Ideal Soil Conditions

Robusta coffee plants in Vietnam thrive in specific soil conditions, contributing to optimal growth.

Preferred soil types include:

Lateritic Soil:

Common in the Central Highlands, rich in iron and aluminum oxides.
Provides essential nutrients for robust plant development.

Well-Draining Soil:

Ensures proper aeration for the roots.
Prevalent in the Central Highlands regions.


Typically grown at lower altitudes (0 to 600 meters) compared to Arabica.
Lower altitude conditions contribute to distinct flavor characteristics.

The Central Highlands, encompassing provinces like Dak Lak and Gia Lai, stand out as key regions for cultivating Robusta coffee, offering the ideal soil types and altitudes for robust plant growth.


Robusta Coffee Beans in Vietnam

Contributing to Vietnam’s Robust Coffee Production

Growing Regions: Central Highlands, including provinces like Dak Lak and Gia Lai.

These regions in Vietnam are renowned for their cultivation of Robusta coffee beans, playing a pivotal role in the country’s robust coffee production.

For those intrigued by the robust flavors of Vietnamese Robusta, explore our offerings at GAEA. Whether you seek small volumes or container-sized quantities, request samples from GAEA featuring various sizes suitable for any roaster. Connect with GAEA, your source for authentic Vietnamese coffee.

GAEA, Vietnam Sourcing & Manufacturing

Established in 2019, GAEA Vietnam Sourcing, a manufacturer and supplier, is your green coffee bean sourcing and export partner in Vietnam. We undoubtedly have the widest available assortment and are best updated on stock, prices, and the latest crops. We also manufacture and roast coffee under private or no label for brands across the hospitality, foodservice, and retail sectors, reflecting our B2B manufacturing. Our product range includes roasted whole beans and ground coffees. Read more information here: LINK.

> concierge[at]
> +84 96 2544 004

Arabica: Vietnam Sourcing

Arabica Coffee Beans in Vietnam: An Overview

Varieties of Arabica Coffee in Vietnam:

Vietnam boasts a diverse range of Arabica coffee beans, with prominent varieties including Bourbon, Typica, Mocha (Moka), and Catimor. Each variety brings distinct flavors and characteristics to the Vietnamese coffee landscape. While Bourbon, Typica, and Mocha are considered the oldest coffee types globally, the hardier Catimor, a hybrid of Caturra and Timor, excels in resilience, high yield, and resistance to pests. These beans flourish in Lam Dong province’s elevated regions, notably Di Linh, Bao Loc, Don Duong, and the suburbs of Da Lat, including the renowned Cau Dat area.

Arabica Varieties:

  1. Bourbon
  2. Typica
  3. Mocha (Moka)
  4. Catimor


Sizes of Arabica Coffee Beans:

Arabica coffee beans in Vietnam come in various sizes, categorized by screen size, indicating the beans’ dimensions. Common screen sizes include:

  • Screen 15: Large beans
  • Screen 16: Extra Large beans
  • Screen 17: Peaberry beans (small, round-shaped)
  • Screen 18: Extra Peaberry beans

Specific sizing may vary based on the grading system employed by coffee producers and exporters.


Preferred Soil Types for Arabica Growth:

Arabica coffee plants thrive in specific soil conditions, favoring:

  • Volcanic Soil: Rich in minerals and nutrients, facilitating optimal growth and flavor development.
  • Fertile Loamy Soil: A balanced mix of sand, silt, and clay for good aeration, drainage, and nutrient retention.

Additionally, Arabica coffee prefers high-altitude regions, typically between 2,000 to 6,000 feet (600 to 1,800 meters) above sea level. Areas like Lam Dong province, particularly the Central Highlands (Da Lat), offer the necessary conditions for Arabica cultivation, including cool temperatures, consistent rainfall, and volcanic soil.


Arabica Coffee Beans and Regions in Vietnam:

  1. Typica: Thrives in Di Linh, Bao Loc, Don Duong, and the suburbs of Da Lat, especially the Cau Dat area.
  2. Bourbon: Flourishes in high-altitude areas like Cau Dat – Da Lat in Lam Dong province.
  3. Catimor: Known for adaptability and disease resistance, found in regions like Cau Dat – Da Lat.

These Arabica varieties contribute to Vietnam’s rich coffee production, showcasing the country’s commitment to quality and diversity in the coffee industry.


Order GAEA Green Coffee Beans:

Explore the exquisite flavors of Vietnamese Arabica coffee with GAEA. Small volumes or container quantities are available for order, and GAEA provides a variety of sample bags in different sizes, suitable for any type of sample roaster. Connect with GAEA, your partner for Vietnam sourcing.

GAEA, Vietnam Sourcing & Manufacturing

Established in 2019, GAEA Vietnam Sourcing, a manufacturer and supplier, is your green coffee bean sourcing and export partner in Vietnam. We undoubtedly have the widest available assortment and are best updated on stock, prices, and the latest crops. We also manufacture and roast coffee under private or no label for brands across the hospitality, foodservice, and retail sectors, reflecting our B2B manufacturing. Our product range includes roasted whole beans and ground coffees. Read more information here: LINK.

> concierge[at]
> +84 96 2544 004

Cau Dat: Coffee Analysis


Nestled in Da Lat’s southeast, Cau Dat unveils a century of history, evolving from Dr. Yersin’s 1896 exploration to becoming Southeast Asia’s oldest operational tea factory. Renowned for its Arabica haven amidst Vietnam’s Central Highlands, Cau Dat’s 1,500-hectare domain produces exceptional coffee, marked by unique flavors and aromatic richness. With meticulous quality control, Cau Dat Coffee pioneers specialty coffee, securing a spot in global supply chains, such as Starbucks. This journey through time and flavor showcases Cau Dat’s commitment to excellence and its pivotal role in advancing Vietnam’s diverse and thriving coffee legacy.

Discovering Cau Dat: A Centenary Legacy

Unveiling the Geographic Marvel of Cau Dat

Nestled in the southeast of Da Lat city, Cau Dat tea hill spans 230 hectares at an altitude of 1650m, offering a serene escape along the way to Trai Mat station, Linh Phuoc pagoda.


Cau Dat Coffee Origin: A Hidden Arabica Paradise

While Vietnam excels as the second-largest global Robusta producer, the lesser-known gem, Cau Dat – Da Lat (Lam Dong), stands as an Arabica paradise amidst the Central Highlands. Renowned for its picturesque landscapes, favorable climate, and world-class Arabica, Cau Dat beckons coffee enthusiasts on an enthralling journey.


Tracing the Trade Centenarian: A Tapestry of History

Cau Dat boasts Southeast Asia’s oldest operational tea factory, its machinery, a historical testament imported from Europe. Delving into history, Dr. Alexandre Yersin’s exploration in 1896 laid the foundation, evolving into the establishment of Cau Dat Farm in 1927.


The Transformative Decades: From Experimentation to Equitization

From Yersin’s experiments in 1915 to Cau Dat Farm’s official inception in 1927, the journey continued through wartime challenges, ownership changes in 1960, and post-war stability in 1975. Equitization in 2005 transformed it into Cau Dat Tea Joint Stock Company, with a rejuvenating wind in 2015.


The Arabica Haven: Cau Dat’s Natural Advantage

Imported in the 1930s, Arabica found its haven in Cau Dat – Da Lat, earning global recognition. Situated at 1,500m with a temperate climate, Lam Dong province emerges as Vietnam’s Arabica paradise, cultivating renowned varieties like Typica, Bourbon, Mocha, and Catimor.

The Unmatched Flavor of Cau Dat Arabica

Cau Dat’s Arabica, characterized by a sour note, slight bitterness, and a transparent amber tint, captivates with aromas of syrup, fruit, honey, and toast. Known for its exquisite scent, it stands as a hallmark, winning hearts globally, even securing a spot in Starbucks’ supply chain.


Golden Advantages of Cau Dat – Da Lat

Encompassing 1,500 hectares, Cau Dat dominates 86% of the local agricultural land, with coffee cultivation covering 98%. Robust Arabica cultivars, resilient to pests and diseases, yield 10-18 tons of fresh coffee per hectare, exceeding production in other crops.

Crafting Cau Dat Coffee: A Commitment to Excellence

Cau Dat Farm, a bastion of quality, integrates rigorous quality control, ensuring a consistent and delightful coffee experience. The farm, proud of its access to Vietnam’s finest ingredients, focuses on delivering premium coffee products, meeting the discerning tastes of coffee enthusiasts nationwide.


Pioneering Specialty Coffee: Cau Dat’s Mission

In the competitive coffee landscape, Cau Dat Coffee spearheads the mission to develop specialty coffee. The evolving market necessitates a shift in perspective for businesses and coffee growers, emphasizing quality in production, processing, and innovation.

Empowering Vietnam’s Coffee Legacy

Vietnam holds a treasure trove of coffee diversity, beckoning attention to specialty coffee. Enhancing raw collection, refining processing quality, and promoting pure roasted coffee consumption become pivotal steps in safeguarding and advancing the nation’s thriving coffee industry.


Cau Dat FAQs

  • What distinguishes Cau Dat’s Arabica?
  • How does Cau Dat preserve the authenticity of its Arabica beans?
  • Why is Cau Dat recognized as a world-class Arabica producer?
  • How does Cau Dat ensure the quality of its specialty coffee products?
  • What steps is Cau Dat taking to promote and market its specialty coffee globally?

Embark on a journey through Cau Dat’s rich history, explore its Arabica haven, and savor the unmatched flavors that have made it a global coffee destination.

GAEA, Vietnam Sourcing & Manufacturing

Established in 2019, GAEA Vietnam Sourcing, a manufacturer and supplier, is your green coffee bean sourcing and export partner in Vietnam. We undoubtedly have the widest available assortment and are best updated on stock, prices, and the latest crops. We also manufacture and roast coffee under private or no label for brands across the hospitality, foodservice, and retail sectors, reflecting our B2B manufacturing. Our product range includes roasted whole beans and ground coffees. Read more information here: LINK.

> concierge[at]
> +84 96 2544 004