At GAEA, we pride ourselves on being a dedicated coffee company with a deep-rooted specialization in sourcing the finest green coffee beans from Vietnam. Our extensive network encompasses farmers, suppliers, and processing companies spanning the entire country. Our supplier and quality control management system is seamlessly integrated, ensuring a streamlined process. We constantly strive to expand our horizons by identifying and engaging with smaller communities and directly collaborating with local farmers, in addition to our collaboration with existing suppliers. Embracing fair trade and organic principles, we are committed to enhancing our sourcing practices.


In addition to our core production capabilities, we offer comprehensive roasting services tailored to specific products, including ground coffee and instant options.


Our proficient sourcing team excels not only in fulfilling our regular internal requirements but also in catering to specific external demands. This supplementary service complements our core offerings. You have the option to explore our existing best-selling and primary export product catalog. If you have specific requests such as premium-grade or Vietnamese Arabica beans, our team is readily available to assist.


While our central focus remains on agricultural products, notably green coffee beans, cacao, rice, and an array of spices, fruits, and marine foods, our expertise extends far beyond. Drawing upon our extensive local insights and experience within Vietnam, we are well-equipped to diversify our sourcing capabilities across various sectors. Our global reach spans continents, underscoring our unwavering commitment to facilitating international trade.

For tailor-made sourcing solutions, we invite you to connect with our specialized sourcing department.

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Dak Lak: Coffee Analysis


Vietnam’s coffee sector, generating $2.7 billion in revenue from the export of 1.61 million tons in 2020, is anchored by Dak Lak Province, contributing 40% of the nation’s coffee production. Dak Lak, sprawling across 13,000 sq km, is the epicenter of Vietnam’s coffee industry, boasting 204,000 hectares of coffee plantations and engaging over 200,000 households. Despite challenges like aging trees and global price fluctuations, government initiatives, including modernization and research, position Dak Lak for growth. The province eyes opportunities in global demand, modern practices, and coffee tourism for a promising future.

A Comprehensive Look at Dak Lak’s Thriving Coffee Industry


Vietnam’s coffee sector, contributing nearly 10% to the nation’s export revenue, stands as a vital economic force. Dak Lak Province, the largest coffee producer in the country, plays a pivotal role in shaping this industry. This article delves into the historical evolution, current status, and future prospects of the Dak Lak coffee industry, spotlighting governmental endeavors to propel its growth.


Vietnam’s Coffee Dominance

Vietnam, a global coffee heavyweight, exported approximately 1.61 million tons in 2020, generating $2.7 billion. Dak Lak, nestled in the Central Highlands, reigns supreme, constituting 40% of the nation’s coffee output. This narrative unfolds the historical trajectory, contemporary landscape, and future trajectory of the Dak Lak coffee saga.


The Coffee Odyssey in Vietnam

The coffee odyssey in Vietnam began in the late 19th century when the French introduced Arabica plants. After various experiments and expansions, the coffee hub shifted to the Central Highlands, solidifying its reputation. Despite initial economic concerns, coffee cultivation surged in the 1990s, transforming Vietnam into a major global exporter.


Dak Lak Province

The Epitome of Coffee

Dak Lak, sprawled across 13,000 square kilometers in the Central Highlands, emerges as Vietnam’s coffee heartland. With coffee plantations spanning 204,000 hectares and involving over 200,000 households, the province epitomizes the coffee capital of the nation.


Climate and Soil Blessings

Dak Lak’s favorable climate, featuring tropical temperatures ranging from 20°C to 32°C, and acidic soil with a pH of 4.5 to 5.5, create an optimal environment for Arabica and Robusta coffee cultivation. Annual rainfall of 2,000-2,500mm ensures an abundant water supply for coffee growth.


Coffee Production Symphony in Dak Lak

The intricate process of coffee production in Dak Lak unfolds across stages, from planting to harvesting and processing. The region’s coffee trees, maturing in three to four years, undergo meticulous harvesting—either manual or mechanized. Subsequent processing follows two methods: wet, involving fermentation, and dry, relying on sun-drying. The processed beans culminate in roasting and packaging for global export.


Challenges Confronting Dak Lak’s Coffee Kingdom

While Dak Lak’s coffee industry thrives, challenges persist. Aging trees, outdated farming practices, and the absence of modern technologies impede progress. Additionally, global coffee price volatility impacts the industry, relying heavily on exports.


Governmental Boost and Initiatives

To fortify the Dak Lak coffee industry, the Vietnamese government implements strategic initiatives. Modern farming practices, technological advancements, research into disease-resistant varieties, and the formation of farmer cooperatives are key measures. Policies to stabilize coffee prices and financial support further enhance resilience.


Growth Opportunities and Future Landscape

Despite challenges, Dak Lak’s coffee industry eyes growth avenues. The burgeoning global demand for high-quality coffee offers prospects for increased production and exports. Embracing modern techniques enhances productivity and quality, while venturing into coffee tourism taps into additional revenue streams.


The Promising Horizon

With sustained governmental support, Dak Lak’s coffee industry envisions a bright future. Modern practices, technological adoption, and global demand paint a prosperous picture. As the industry aligns with evolving trends, the local economy stands to benefit, promising a thriving future for Dak Lak’s coffee saga.



The Dak Lak coffee industry, integral to Vietnam’s economic fabric, undergoes a transformative journey. Challenges notwithstanding, the sector’s alignment with global demands, coupled with governmental support and forward-looking initiatives, positions Dak Lak for a resilient and prosperous future.



1. What is the history of coffee production in Vietnam?

  • Coffee production in Vietnam dates back to the late 19th century, introduced by the French. However, significant growth occurred in the 1990s due to government encouragement.

2. What is Dak Lak Province known for?

  • Dak Lak is renowned for its expansive coffee plantations, covering 204,000 hectares and contributing 40% to Vietnam’s coffee production.

3. What challenges does the Dak Lak coffee industry face?

  • Challenges include aging trees, outdated farming practices, limited access to modern technologies, equipment, and the global price volatility of coffee.

4. What initiatives has the Vietnamese government implemented to support the Dak Lak coffee industry?

  • The government focuses on modern farming practices, technological adoption, research into disease-resistant varieties, formation of farmer cooperatives, and policies to stabilize prices.

5. What is the future of the Dak Lak coffee industry?

  • The Dak Lak coffee industry envisions a promising future, fueled by global demand, modern practices, technological adoption, and the development of coffee tourism.

GAEA, Vietnam Sourcing & Manufacturing

Established in 2019, GAEA Vietnam Sourcing, a manufacturer and supplier, is your green coffee bean sourcing and export partner in Vietnam. We undoubtedly have the widest available assortment and are best updated on stock, prices, and the latest crops. We also manufacture and roast coffee under private or no label for brands across the hospitality, foodservice, and retail sectors, reflecting our B2B manufacturing. Our product range includes roasted whole beans and ground coffees. Read more information here: LINK.

> concierge[at]
> +84 96 2544 004

Tay Bac: Coffee Analysis


Nestled in Vietnam’s Northwest, Tay Bac emerges as a hidden gem for Arabica coffee. Despite the region’s complex terrain, Dien Bien and Son La provinces showcase remarkable Arabica cultivation. Dien Bien, with its unique latitude, defies altitude norms, fostering high-quality Arabica. Son La, akin to Brazil’s Sao Paulo, mirrors equatorial symmetry, creating an ideal environment. Noteworthy is Chieu Ban commune’s success story, emphasizing quality over quantity. While sporadic areas exist south of Hai Van Pass, Tay Bac stands out as a promising hub for high-quality Arabica coffee in Vietnam.

Exploring Tay Bac Coffee

Unveiling Vietnam’s Northwest Arabica Region


Introduction – Unlocking the Mysteries of Tay Bac Coffee

Nestled in the Northwest region of Vietnam lies a hidden gem for coffee enthusiasts – Tay Bac. Amidst the complex terrain and diverse climates, this area, often overlooked in the Vietnamese coffee industry, harbors the potential for cultivating exceptional Arabica coffee. Join us as we delve into the nuances of Dien Bien and Son La provinces, unearthing the distinctive qualities that make Tay Bac coffee a standout in the world of specialty coffee.


Dien Bien Arabica 

A Tale of Resilience and Quality

Dien Bien, despite its lower altitude (400-500m), defies the odds to produce remarkable Arabica coffee. The region experiences two distinct seasons, characterized by cold, dry winters and hot, rainy summers. In the Muong Ang area, where coffee cultivation has thrived for over a decade, the unique latitude near the northern tropics contributes to the high-quality coffee produced. The story of Dien Bien Arabica dates back to 1961 when experts recognized the region’s potential for Arabica coffee development.


Son La Arabica

Symmetry with Sao Paulo, Brazil

Son La, reminiscent of Sao Paulo in Brazil, boasts Arabica coffee cultivation on the slopes of foothills with an altitude of around 600m. Despite not reaching the ideal height, Son La’s coffee areas, positioned symmetrically equatorial with Sao Paulo, create an environment conducive to exceptional Arabica beans. Renowned coffee expert René Coste emphasizes the significance of the combination of sea-level elevation and altitude, which serves as an antidote to adverse factors. Son La Arabica, between 21 and 22 north latitudes, positions itself uniquely in the global coffee landscape.


Chieu Ban

Coffee Rising –  A Beacon of Progress

In Mai Son district, Chieu Ban commune emerges as a success story for Arabica cultivation. The mountainous community, with 1,200 hectares dedicated to coffee among its 1,564 hectares of arable land, has experienced a significant improvement in livelihoods. The success of Chieu Ban coffee reflects a strategic focus on quality improvement rather than expanding cultivation areas. Coffee has become the lifeblood of this community, paving the way for Chieu Ban coffee to become an internationally recognized brand.


Beyond Dien Bien and Son La

Exploring Northern Coffee Frontiers

While Dien Bien and Son La take the spotlight, several other areas in the north exhibit conditions suitable for Arabica coffee cultivation. South of Hai Van Pass and some provinces on the south-central coast, including Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, and Khanh Hoa, showcase sporadic Arabica coffee-growing regions. However, the significant potential lies in Tay Bac’s Northwest, where the conditions align perfectly for the cultivation of high-quality Arabica beans.



Tay Bac’s Potential Unveiled

As we conclude our exploration of Tay Bac coffee, it’s evident that this Northwest region holds immense promise for the future of Arabica cultivation in Vietnam. With Dien Bien and Son La leading the way, the journey south will reveal more nuances in the Central and Central Highlands Arabica coffee regions. Stay tuned for the next installment in our series uncovering traditional Arabica coffee regions in Vietnam.

GAEA, Vietnam Sourcing & Manufacturing

Established in 2019, GAEA Vietnam Sourcing, a manufacturer and supplier, is your green coffee bean sourcing and export partner in Vietnam. We undoubtedly have the widest available assortment and are best updated on stock, prices, and the latest crops. We also manufacture and roast coffee under private or no label for brands across the hospitality, foodservice, and retail sectors, reflecting our B2B manufacturing. Our product range includes roasted whole beans and ground coffees. Read more information here: LINK.

> concierge[at]
> +84 96 2544 004

Lam Dong: Coffee Analysis


Lam Dong, Vietnam, renowned for a century-long coffee tradition, boasts 100,000 hectares of plantations yielding 200,000 metric tons annually. In the past decade, record highs of 260,000 tons (2019) contrasted with 31,000 tons in 2021, a decrease of 11.5%. Weather, pivotal in harvests from November to February, brings both prosperity and challenges. Lam Dong confronts four pests due to climate change, yet proactive measures include a project against coffee root rot. Sustainable practices, spanning organic fertilizers to precision farming, ensure Lam Dong remains a key contributor to Vietnam’s coffee exports.

Introduction to Lam Dong

For over a century, Lam Dong has been a stalwart in coffee cultivation, earning acclaim for its production of diverse coffee varieties like Arabica and Robusta. Boasting more than 100,000 hectares of coffee plantations, the province stands as a pivotal contributor to the regional economy.


Ideal Climate and Geography

Lam Dong’s advantageous climate and topography are a boon to coffee cultivation. Elevated terrains, cool temperatures, and abundant rainfall coalesce to form a microclimate ideal for nurturing coffee plants. The undulating landscape, featuring slopes and valleys, offers an optimal setting for coffee plantation.


Historical Tapestry of Lam Dong’s Coffee Industry

Steeped in history, Lam Dong province has been a key player in Vietnam’s coffee production landscape since the early 1900s. From modest beginnings, the industry has burgeoned, with the province currently yielding over 200,000 metric tons of coffee annually.


Decade-Long Coffee Harvest Chronicles

The past decade has witnessed a rollercoaster in Lam Dong’s coffee production. Years of record-breaking yields have mingled with those marred by significant downturns. In 2019, Lam Dong reached an unprecedented high, producing over 260,000 metric tons of coffee. However, the subsequent year, plagued by a drought, witnessed a notable dip in coffee production.


Insights into 2021 Lam Dong Coffee Harvest

The 2021 Lam Dong coffee harvest report unfolds a narrative of challenges and resilience. With a yield of 31,000 tons, a decrease of 11.5% from the previous year, unfavorable weather conditions and the lingering impact of the COVID-19 pandemic cast a shadow over the harvest season.


Weather’s Role in Coffee Harvest

Weather holds the reins in Lam Dong’s coffee production, with a distinctive wet and dry season dictating harvest timelines from November to February. Favorable weather during this period augurs well for high yields, while excessive dryness or wetness can spell trouble.


Battle Against Pests and Climate Variability

Lam Dong’s battle against pests intensified in the face of climate change. Over the past 3-4 years, the region grappled with four recurring pests – yellow leaf diseases, mealybugs, stem borers, and mosquito bugs. The erratic climate spurred an increase in temperature differentials, creating an environment conducive to diseases on coffee trees.


Integrated Prevention Solutions

A survey across eight coffee regions in Lam Dong identified nine recurring pests, necessitating periodic forecasts. The Sub-Department of Plant Protection and Conservation spearheaded a project focusing on integrated control measures against coffee root rot disease. Proactive measures, such as the use of Landsaver probiotics and active ingredients like abamectin and paecilomyces, were recommended to combat nematodes.


Sustainable Practices for a Thriving Future

Lam Dong’s commitment to sustainable coffee production is evident through practices like organic fertilizers, shade-grown cultivation, and water conservation. These initiatives not only shield the environment but also enhance the quality of coffee, augmenting the income of local farmers.


From Soil Quality to Technological Advancements

The diverse soil types in Lam Dong necessitate well-drained soil with a pH range of 5.0 to 6.0 for optimal coffee production. Embracing technological advancements, farmers employ modern equipment and precision farming techniques to boost yields and improve coffee quality.


Coffee Tourism

A Blend of Culture and Aroma

Beyond production, Lam Dong has evolved into a coveted coffee tourism destination. Welcoming visitors to coffee farms and plantations, the region offers a sensory journey through the art of coffee-making, diverse tastings, and immersion into local coffee culture.



Perseverance Amidst Challenges

Lam Dong Coffee, celebrated for its distinct aroma and taste, stands resilient despite challenges. The 2021 harvest report sheds light on adversities faced by farmers, yet Lam Dong remains a beacon in the Vietnamese coffee industry. With sustainability at its core, Lam Dong is poised for a lasting legacy in coffee production.


Lam Dong Analysis FAQs

  1. Why is Lam Dong Coffee unique? Lam Dong coffee’s uniqueness emanates from the region’s specific geography, climate, and coffee varieties, resulting in a distinct flavor and aroma.
  2. What factors affect the coffee harvest season in Lam Dong? Weather conditions, pest and disease outbreaks, and labor shortages are key factors impacting the coffee harvest season in Lam Dong.
  3. What challenges do coffee farmers face during the harvest season in Lam Dong? Challenges include labor shortages and increased production costs during the harvest season.
  4. What are the major export markets for Lam Dong coffee? Lam Dong coffee finds its way to several countries, including the United States, Germany, and Italy.
  5. What are the benefits of sustainable coffee production practices in Lam Dong? Sustainable practices safeguard the environment, preserve soil quality, reduce water usage, promote biodiversity, and enhance the income of coffee farmers.

GAEA, Vietnam Sourcing & Manufacturing

Established in 2019, GAEA Vietnam Sourcing, a manufacturer and supplier, is your green coffee bean sourcing and export partner in Vietnam. We undoubtedly have the widest available assortment and are best updated on stock, prices, and the latest crops. We also manufacture and roast coffee under private or no label for brands across the hospitality, foodservice, and retail sectors, reflecting our B2B manufacturing. Our product range includes roasted whole beans and ground coffees. Read more information here: LINK.

> concierge[at]
> +84 96 2544 004

Dak Nong: Coffee Analysis


Dak Nong, renowned for its rich coffee history, hosts a thriving coffee industry, ensuring global demand for its high-quality beans. Detailed harvest reports play a pivotal role in maintaining excellence. The unique microclimate, volcanic soil, and meticulous cultivation techniques contribute to the exceptional flavors of Dak Nong’s coffee. Challenges, such as labor shortages, are met with innovations like mechanized harvesting. The coffee harvest significantly impacts the local economy, providing income and employment. Emphasizing sustainability, Dak Nong adopts organic farming and engages in fair trade initiatives. Future trends include climate resilience, traceability, and a focus on specialty coffee.

Introduction to Dak Nong Coffee Harvest Analysis

Dak Nong boasts a rich history of coffee production, flourishing within its lush landscapes and favorable climate. With a lineage of skilled coffee farmers, this region consistently yields high-quality beans sought after by global coffee connoisseurs. The significance of detailed harvest reports cannot be overstated, as they play a pivotal role in ensuring only the finest coffee beans make their way into our cups.


Overview of Dak Nong Coffee Harvest

In Dak Nong, the coffee harvest unfolds during the dry season, spanning from November to April. The region’s unique altitude and soil composition contribute distinct flavors to the coffee beans. Thriving in volcanic soil amid cool nights and warm days, coffee plants in Dak Nong are nurtured to produce a crop of exceptional quality.

Importance of Dak Nong Coffee Harvest Reports

Harvest reports serve as indispensable tools, offering insights into the quality and quantity of coffee produced in Dak Nong. Beyond being a record of the harvest season, these reports detail conditions, yields, and challenges faced by farmers. They provide transparency and traceability, catering to the needs of farmers, coffee traders, and consumers alike.


Factors Affecting Coffee Harvest in Dak Nong

Several factors influence Dak Nong’s coffee harvest, including climate conditions, soil quality, and cultivation techniques. A nuanced understanding of these elements is crucial for optimizing yields and ensuring the production of the finest coffee beans.

Climate Conditions

Dak Nong’s unique microclimate, marked by cool nights and warm days, creates an ideal setting for coffee cultivation. Moderate rainfall and consistent temperatures contribute to steady plant growth, resulting in well-developed and flavorful coffee beans.

Soil Quality

The volcanic soil in Dak Nong, rich in minerals, provides essential nutrients for coffee plants. Regular soil quality tests are conducted by farmers to maintain optimal conditions, considering acidity and drainage properties.

Cultivation Techniques

Farmers in Dak Nong employ various cultivation techniques, such as pruning, fertilization, and irrigation, alongside shade-grown methods to protect coffee plants. These practices contribute to the overall health and productivity of the coffee trees.


Process of Coffee Harvesting in Dak Nong

The process involves meticulous steps to ensure the highest quality beans:

  1. Selecting the Right Time for Harvest: Farmers monitor the maturation of coffee cherries, considering visual cues and taste tests to determine the optimal time for harvest.
  2. Picking and Sorting Coffee Cherries: Skilled laborers handpick only the ripest cherries, followed by a sorting process to ensure uniformity in the batch.
  3. Processing Methods: Dak Nong primarily employs the wet method, involving the removal of outer skin and pulp, fermentation, washing, and thorough drying to enhance flavors and remove impurities.

Challenges Faced during Dak Nong Coffee Harvest

Despite an excellent coffee harvest, Dak Nong encounters challenges:

  1. Labor Shortage: Mechanized harvesting methods are explored to address the labor-intensive nature of coffee harvesting.
  2. Weather Risks: Farmers monitor weather patterns to mitigate risks such as excessive rainfall or drought.
  3. Pest and Disease Control: Integrated pest management strategies and disease-resistant coffee varieties are employed to minimize risks.

Impact of Dak Nong Coffee Harvest on the Local Economy

The coffee harvest significantly contributes to the local economy, providing income and employment opportunities. The success of the harvest season directly influences the livelihoods of those involved in the coffee supply chain.


Sustainable Practices in Dak Nong Coffee Harvesting

Growing emphasis on sustainability includes:

  1. Organic Farming Methods: Transitioning to organic farming to preserve soil health and produce chemical-free coffee beans.
  2. Environmental Conservation: Implementing measures like agroforestry, erosion control, and water conservation to protect the environment.
  3. Fair Trade Initiatives: Participating in fair trade programs to ensure equitable prices and support community development projects.

Technology and Innovations in Dak Nong Coffee Harvest

Advancements include:

  1. Mechanized Harvesting: Adoption of machines for efficient harvesting, addressing labor shortages and maintaining quality.
  2. Precision Agriculture: Utilizing technologies like remote sensing and GPS mapping for informed decision-making on irrigation, fertilization, and pest management.
  3. Post-Harvest Processing Innovations: Improved pulping, fermentation techniques, and advanced drying methods enhance consistency and quality.

Future Trends in Dak Nong Coffee Harvest

Anticipated trends include:

  1. Climate Resilience: Implementation of practices to adapt to unpredictable weather patterns.
  2. Traceability and Certification: Growing demand for certifications like Rainforest Alliance or Organic, highlighting commitment to sustainability.
  3. Digitalization: Integration of digital tools, such as blockchain-based traceability systems and mobile apps, for streamlined processes.
  4. Specialty Coffee Focus: Exploration of unique varietals, processing methods, and sensory training to cater to the thriving specialty coffee market.


The coffee harvest in Dak Nong epitomizes a blend of tradition, innovation, and sustainability. From meticulous cherry selection to sustainable farming practices, each step contributes to the production of exceptional coffee beans. Dak Nong remains a key player in the global market, adapting to evolving industry demands while maintaining its commitment to quality and sustainability.



Dak Nong FAQs

  1. What is the best time for coffee harvesting in Dak Nong?

The coffee harvest in Dak Nong usually occurs during the dry season, extending from November to April, ensuring optimal weather conditions for peak ripeness.

  1. How do coffee farmers in Dak Nong deal with labor shortages during harvest?

Farmers increasingly adopt mechanized harvesting methods to address labor shortages, improving efficiency and reducing dependency on manual labor.

  1. Are there any certifications for sustainable coffee harvesting in Dak Nong?

Yes, various certifications, including Rainforest Alliance, Organic, and Fair Trade, are available, ensuring adherence to specific environmental and social standards in coffee production.

GAEA, Vietnam Sourcing

Established in 2021, GAEA GLOBAL., LLC, operating under GAEA Vietnam Sourcing, actively participates in the trading and export of green coffee beans. As a Vietnamese coffee trader, manufacturer, and supplier, we provide a diverse assortment of green coffee beans sourced from Vietnam’s beautiful agricultural landscape. Our product range includes roasted whole beans and ground coffees, along with OEM services.