With the Gti technology, each group head has its own boiler. This allows for different temperature settings on different groups. The extraction phase is customizable as well, meaning that different extraction times can be set up for the blooming, the pre-infusion and extraction phase. This ensures optimal extraction of flavor from the beans.


The E71E offers even more flexibility for specialty barista’s that have a need to adjust recipes quickly. With an external adjustment lever to change the pressure and extra long steam wands, this model provides maximum flexibility for places with many different coffee types and recipes. The E71E comes in 2 versions on the control panel – 3 or 5 buttons.

By default, the E71 comes in matt blue or black. E71E comes in black, a luxurious white and gold or white wood with aluminum finish. The group heads and carter lever are available in black, gold, chrome or copper. The back panel can be adjusted to any design to fit the location.